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Re: quattro-digest V3 #1450

tlazay@ultranet.com writes:

> 4) The armrest is quite curious. With the armrest down, using the parking
> brake is awkward, in fact when fully engaged, the parking brake handle
> the armrest upward. It also get's in the way of shifting for city driving.

You can adjust its height a bit.

> Is it possible to install a cigarette lighter below the armrest.

Check the quattro list archives for info on how to wire up a Motorola phone
in the armrest.  That might have enough info to allow you to go from
the phone connector to a cigarette lighter socket.

> 7) My trunk froze in the locked position this morning. I guess it's not one
> of the heated locks.

Only the driver's side door lock is heated, and not all the time, obviously.
You have to lift up on the handle while it's locked and the temperature is
cold, in order to activate the heater.

No complaints from me about headlight/high beam strength, either, although
I would be curious if somebody offered aftermarket Xenon lamps that fit.

Ed Hanway  <hanway@kodak.com>