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Audi vs. BWM--here we go again...
At 11:34 PM 1/2/97 -0800, Anthony K.B. Chan wrote:
>I think I am going to shoot myself in the foot but I do agreed with you
>of the handling of BMW, I've driven two late model BMW i.e. a 94' 325i
>and 94' 530i. I got to drive my cousins car in Oahu up those twisty roads
>on Northshore, talking about impressive brakes and responsive engine.
>I got to admit to my cousin that her car handles alot better than my
>Audi, the suspension felt stiffer but less ride harshness than the Audi.
>She knew that I am very partial to Audi and I told her I wouldn't
>mind getting a 530i if I have $45,000 to spare. Then I get to drive her
>sister car in Redondo beach a '94 325i when I was down there in Feburary for
>our big family reunion. Again I think it's handle very well, stiffer
>but without the harshness of my 100 V6, I never thought I would call the
>ride of my beloved 92' 100 V6 harsh until I drove both the 530i and 325i
>Talking about image, it's another reason I like the Audi better because there
>are fewer of them around but not anymore. My next car, it will probably be a
>toss between an A4 or A6 quattro with the 30v V6 or a 96' 528i.
>Anthony Chan, First Hill, Seattle, WA, USA.
>92' 100 V6 Tornado Red.
Wait a moment here. When I was talking about the BMWs, I wasn't talking
about *any old BMW*! I think that the 3-series does not even compare to the
A4Q, with the one exception of the M3. Then it is the old apples and
oranges argument. Now, an M3Q would be nice! Or perhaps an A4Q that came
stock with 250 or so hp! The BMW I considered was the 95 (they didn't make
any in 96 because of the retooling for the 97 body style) 540i, 6-speed
manual tranny. 282 hp, stock. Very luxurious and will suck the doors off
of most anything on the road! Very good repair records, believe it or not.
And at $17k off the original price just because it had 5000 miles on it, it
was a steal.
I didn't even consider the 530i or the 325.
The final analysis is, though, that the Quattro won out and was the reason I
bought my second Audi...and quite possibly will be the reason I buy my third
in a couple of years. The tentative plan is to give the 96 pearl A4Q to the
better half while I get an A4Q 1.8T and hop it up to the max!.
Achille Riviello
83 4000s 4E, 200k+ miles,
96 A4Q, 3202 miles
HK P7M13
"In a world of compromise, some don't."--HK