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Leaking Water Pump please HELP
In message <c=US%a=_%p=New_Pig_Corporat%l=NEWPIG9-970104034921Z-40639@newpig9.newpig.com> dougev writes:
> My 85 4KQ is leaking water from the water pump. It leaks about 6 ozs
> per week and seems to be getting worse. I only put a few 100 miles per
> week on it. What can I expect relative to the final failure? Will it
> slowly go or can I expect a big blow out? Anyone give me a guess of how
> long I have until I have to change it?
I've had two fail on Audi 80s. Both got worse exponentially at the end. When
it gets to a pint a day, start taking a cellphone with you.
> I also have another question...My compression ratios vary quite a lot..
> 120 - 155- 108 - 159 - 128. The car doesn't burn oil and starts fairly
> quickly and seems to have good power. What might be the cause of these
> low numbers? (Car has 88,000 miles on it) Could it be burnt valves? I
> read something in Bentley about little cracks in the valve seats...is
> this a common problem and could this be the cause? While I have the
> timing belt off..should I do a head job?
The Audi service docs suggest 2 bar as the maximum permitted delta. 51psi is
over 3.5 bar.
Phil Payne
Committee Member, UK Audi [ur-]quattro Owners Club