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NEQ Winter Weekend Feb. 2, 1997 Registration Form

If you are planning to attend the NEQ Winter Weekend please fill out the
below form.

Registration Form - Winter Weekend Feb 1 and 2 1997

February 1 TSD Rally - Bow, NH

(You still need to send the Snow & Ice Registration Form with payment to
Maryanne Rhodes prior to January 18th for Club discount)

I/we plan to attend the: TSD Rally ________

Driver________________________ Navigator_______________________

I/we will stay at the Hampton Inn:

                                Friday Night:__________

                              Saturday Night:__________

I/we will stay elsewhere:

Place_______________________________ Night(s)___________________

I/we will NOT be staying over 
and will join the TSD Rally on Saturday at 7:00 AM______________

February 2 Ice Time Trial

(So we can properly plan enough hot and cold food)

I/we plan to attend the: Ice Time Trials ________

Driver#1________________________ Driver#2_______________________

Please send this completed form via e-mail to zcritter@netaxis.com

Hope to see you there.

Bob W. B>}
NEQ http://www.netaxis.com/~zcritter/director.html