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RE: [none]

The reason Audi does not import these hot rods (S6, S6+, S8, etc), is
because of the giant beuraucracy involved in importing a car to the U.S.
 For some idiotic reason, any car that has different transmissions
(manual or automatic), different engines (and this includes different
power ranges NOT just displacement) has to go through a crash test.  So
for example if Audi decided that they wanted to import the S8 with an
automatic, manual, and tiptronic, they would have to crash test each of
those three "different" cars.  Quite an expensive proposition,
especially if the cars do not sell well in the U.S.  This is why they
don't import all of those really cool models over here, and is all part
of the joy of having "Big Brother" look over your shoulder "because the
government knows what's best for us" <g>.  BTW - when you say 98 as the
fuel rating for these cars, they use a different fuel rating system in
Europe than they do over here.

Maybe if I ever move to Switzerland or New Zealand (not sure which), I
will be able to get one of these cars, or my other favorite car, a '95
S2 w/ 6spd.


Mark Nelson
Incline Village, Nevada

'87 5KTQ
'91 CQ