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Re: Tire Sizes 9020v, CQ20v

Paul_Royal@isserv9.idx.com wrote: 

> Section Aspect  Wheel   Side    Side    Overall
> width   Ratio   Dia     Wall    Wall    Diameter
> mm      	  inches  mm      inches  inches
> 195    60      14      117.0   4.6     23.2 stock on the 4kq
> 205    50      15      102.5   4.0     23.1 upgrade? TireRack sale!!

> My 90 90Q20v came with the "lace" BBS rims and 195/60/14s.
> Also....Glenn: What "Tire Rack" sale??????

If you click on the below URL, it will bring you directly to the
P700Z TireRack page. Look at the prices!!!! All the sizes
except the one you want are $160-265 each. I have the 225/45-16
on the urq streets and paid $189 each.

The 205/50-15 P700Z are a MEASLY $71 each unbelievable!

I'm thinking, where can I get a set of inexpensive 15" rims for the
4kq, just so I can get these tires (I LOVE a bargain).


If you have 195/60-14 now, and use the same offset, I see NO REASON
why the 205/50-15s would not fit, as they are the SAME DIAMETER!

Bob's car is lowered, but he said that the rubbing is not at the
top, but at the front edge of the rear fender lip, I don't know why?

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