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RE: California 4KSQ owners

Maybe I'm a little old fashioned but this new fuel just doesn't smell
right. It used to be when I was filling up
I would have memories of hanging around with my grandpa riding the
go-kart he built me. Now I get images of
people screwing me because it takes more money and more gas to go less
 It seems here Ca. that the official line is we are losing 2 to 4% in
mileage but everyone else you ask seems to
think it is more like 10%.
 One rumor I've heard is that only a couple companies (Union 76)
actually make the stuff because the refining process creates some
extremely nasty by-products that play hell on the refining equipment. It
is one of the latest
conspiracy theories floating around out here. I do not know how much is
true. I do know that I am not getting the
mileage I used to get.

Anton J. Gaidos, III
Motorola Computer Group
The Firepower Team

" The fortunate man knows how much he can safely leave to chance"

>From: 	Jon Blake[SMTP:jonb@u.washington.edu]
>Sent: 	Thursday, January 30, 1997 1:11 PM
>To: 	WILLIE FONG, SMF1 ENGINEERING, (916) 888.4631
>Cc: 	quattro@coimbra.ans.net
>Subject: 	Re: California 4KSQ owners
>This may or may not apply to your situation in Calif. But here in
>Washington we have oxygenated fuel during the winter months. While I
>cannot give firm numbers, I do know that my highway mileage is poorer
>during the time this fuel is mandated.
>Car is '86 4kcsq, with 120+ original owner miles.
>	- jon