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Re: Aggressive Drivers/Passive Drivers = Safety?

Meron wrote:
> have more comprehensive drivers tests, you will have clueless drivers who
> George,
> Please get off of this "elitist attitude" BETTER TESTS DON'T MAKE FOR
Mandatory Audi content: quattros probably have the inherent traction
capability to be the safest vehicles on the road; the driver's
decisionmaking (and sometimes simple luck)is the weakest link. 

Most probably agree there can be difficult, but irrevelant driver tests
(Israel's?).  Do you think that a test measuring driving response in
simulated real world situations would be useful? Ala  Bob Bondurant's
class wherein 3 traffic lights over 3 lanes change color to require a
driver maneuver the vehicle quickly and precisely.  Or, what might be
your suggestion(s)?  Anyone else care to provide input?  
> Dale