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Re: Speed
Hello listers, I'm trying to catch up as I was on a quick vaca with my
family to Disney World.
I have to make a quick response to John Stanton for his note from
Monday. You've got the right idea and the experience to show. Honesty
is the best policy and everyone can take it or leave it.
I haven't written a traffic ticket in three years, but when I was
writing them, I was given poor excuses or outright lies 90% of the
time. When someone did tell me the truth, I was surprised, and also had
more respect as they were willing to own up to what was done. It also
shows if you do know how fast you are going at least you're paying
attention---NOT AN ENDORSEMENT TO SPEED!!!!! I was always more inclined
to give honest people breaks.
The worst excuse that I was ever given and it was one of the more
popular ones: "I'm sorry officer, I'm lost." Whenever I was given that
one, the ticket was given. If you're lost, you shouldn't be speeding,
my personal opinion and recommendation not to use it.
My thoughts and experience-- I hope it helps.
Steve Adams (adams1@webspan.net)
Long Beach Twp.,N.J.- Detective
'88 90Q