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>from: Lee Levitt <wheelman@shore.net>
>Date: Wed, 05 Mar 1997 10:22:24 -0500
>Subject: Succubus?
>Andrew Fletcher <FLETCHA@citec.qld.gov.au> doth spoke:
>>moment and a succubus who haunts every dream. She's the seductress
>Succubus? Isn't that the new Nike running shoe? :)
Nope, it was Reebok, and the shoe was to be called "Incubus".
Same idea though.
A Succubus if female, and an Incubus is male (they rape people of the
opposites sex while they sleep -- wonder why Reebok thought it was a bad
idea to name a women's running shoe "Incubus"?)
Bob Davis SEG Network Technologies, Inc.
bob@segNET.com Suite 206/208, The Nugget Building
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