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A possible answer...
to the "new oil leak as a result of switching to synthetic oil" question.
I found this on a Corrado site (lots of good info there BTW, and not just
for VW's -- Corrado's seem to attract real gear-heads).
>By the way when you add synthetics to an "old" engine, it will spend the 1st
>5-15K removing the old gunk. This is why YOU MUST change the oil filter
>regularly at first, it gunks up with your engine dirt. (80K miles on
>a car, change oil filter at 83K, 86k, 90K, etc...).
>Also your engine may start dripping on the floor. Don't blame the synthetic.
>It will do this because the wax is being removed from the inside of
>the engine and the seals are dry from not having been exposed to oil
>to keep them fresh for a long time. As the new oil reaches the gaskets and
>seals, they will expand to fill the cracks.
The oil FAQ is at http://alicudi.usc.edu/~jan/vw/FAQs/faq.oil.2
The VW info site is at http://alicudi.usc.edu/~jan/cars.html
I don't know if it's true, but it sounds plausible.
Bob Davis SEG Network Technologies, Inc.
bob@segNET.com Suite 206/208, The Nugget Building
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