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Re: Pentosin/ATF

t 07:42 PM 3/5/97 EDT, you wrote:
>Not to play the "yah-but" game, but...that's what the owner's manual for my
>'87 4kcsq said, too (to use ATF Dexron).  Two power steering pumps later (in
>90k miles), a sharp mechanic (still use him today) pointed out the silver
>sticker on the PS reservoir that said "mineral hydraulik oel" with the Audi
>part number for Pentosin.  Look for that sticker (mine got covered in all
>the grime that stuck to the ATF that leaked all over the place).  I know at
>least one other listmember who has that sticker on a '87 4kcsq
>At 04:30 PM 3/3/97 -0600, William Murin wrote:
>>On Mon, 3 Mar 1997, Doyt W. Echelberger wrote:
>>> The owner's manual of my 1986 Audi 4000 CSq does not call for Pentosin as
>>> the fluid in the power steering unit or in the power assist brake unit.
>>> It specifically calls for ATF Dexron in the power assisted steering unit
>>Thanks.  My '87 4kcsq does not require "Hydraulic oil" of any kind.  
>>Apparently that was a unique feature to the 5k, 100, 200, etc.
>* linus toy                       email:  linust@mindspring.com      *
>* mercer island, wa                                                  *
>*                                                                    *
>*             The obscure we eventually see,                         *
>*             the completely obvious, it seems, takes longer.        *
>*                               - Edward R. Murrow                   *

Hello there, Linus...

>Well...gulp!   Been using ATF Dexron for 150,000 miles and the steering
pump works just fine. We were having flood-level rains in Ohio today, and
the outside temperature has dropped past freezing and all the rain is
turning to snow, or I would be in the driveway right now, wiping the
reservoir with a white cloth and nervously peering around for the silver
label that you describe. Since yours ate the 2 pumps in 90k, and mine has
gone 3 times that far already, I am encouraged. But not complacent. My
Bentley says "USE ATF DEXRON."

Do you know if the 1985 4000's used ATF Dexron? If they did....

It would be reasonable to find that the first half of the 4000 model run in
'86 used ATF and somewhere in the last half, or at the end, they switched
to Pentosin, making 1986 a switchover year.

Which brings me to this question: What would a hefty dose of Pentosin do to
a system that was designed for ATF
 Dexron?  If my system called for Pentosin and I used ATF, it would
destruct, right? Conversely, if my system  was designed for ATF and I used
Pentosin, it would also destruct. Since I _used_ ATF and it didn't
destruct, I have operative evidence to support the hypothesis that ATF is
the working fluid. 

Not gonna drive it until the snow goes away and I can check for that silver
label. Maybe it will destruct right there in the driveway.

Not gonna sleep tonight, sitting up waiting for that snow to go away.

Maybe I'll put on the snowmobile suit and pop the hood and look for that
label....yeah...then I could sleep, or... cry all night long.

Guess I'd better read the next 100 postings and watch a good movie and wait
for spring.

And I have almost a whole bottle of ATF  I haven't used yet...Wonder what a
whole new power steering system would cost? This is not going to be an easy
night. I wonder if the flood waters are up to the door sills yet...Is there
life beyond the Q list? Shall I believe in my Bentley?

86 4KCSq