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Re: Cooling fan problem

At 07:08 PM 3/8/97 -0500, you wrote:
>Ever since I bought a 1986 5kcst, the fan always used to turn on after the
>engine was turned off. It ceased doing this a couple of days ago. Has anyone
>ever had this problem? The car has 103k miles. 3sp auto. The fan works when
>the engine heats up and is running but when the engine is off, it does not
>work. Can anyone help?

First - start the car up cold and turn the AC on - does the fan immediately
run on low? If not, your problem is likely either the resistor under and in
front of the radiator or the after-run relay.
Second - there is a two connector thermoswitch located on the neck where the
upper radiator hose enters the block. With the engine and ignition off,
remove one wire and touch it to the other. The fan should come on low and
the electric cooling pump should run. If not, then either the thermoswitch
is bad or the after-run relay is shot. If the cooling pump comes on and the
fan doesn't, then we're back to number one...
Third - if you suspect the thermoswitch - read the number off the body and
only order that number - the dealer won't find it on the 'fiche. It runs
about 15-35.00. The after-run relay is 115.00. It's all electronic and

********************************AUDI FAN***********************************
                                   EMCM(SW) Dave Head  
87 5KCStq 187K miles and counting... 1.7 bar boost - Whee!
                Maitland, Florida   Hey! There's no mountains here!