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Re: 87 Coupe GT YAHOOOO!!!
Kwattro@aol.com wrote:
> No, the CE edition cars had white mirrors.
I presently *own* and drive an '86 Comm. Ed. with all the sh@t, but the
mirros are black! Trust me...I can see them from here. Hmmm . . . unless
they were both replaced for some unknown reason. Or maybe one was
replaced with an in-stock, or available, black mirror due to damage and
they decided to match the other side to it? . . . Now I want to
know(obviously I bought the car used), anyone, anyone....? The
official(?) brochure available for your viewing pleasure on Eric Fluhr's
page ( http://www.igdc.com/ejfluhr/audi/86CommEd.html ) states nothing
about body-colored mirrors.
TIA! Allan