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RE: 90 90q 20v redline top speed

Hmmm. I just consulted my text "Aerodynamics of Road Vehicles" by 
Wolf-Heinrich Hucho. He quotes a Cd for the Audi 90Q of around 0.39. 
These are results measured in the Volkswagen climatic wind tunnel and 
the same values can be found in Werner and Heil.

For those of you already gagging and saying "but ...but...but...", it 
is true that magazines and manufacturers quote much lower figures; 
typically in the range of 0.29 to 0.31. The reason the first figure is 
much higher is that it is the true "dirty" configuration. The car is 
tested complete with standard external equipment (ie license plate), 
production tires, and (this is the biggy) fully functioning cooling 
air duct. For further information, the text also gives the 90's 
frontal area: 1.90m^2. Thus your drag in Newtons at any speed, V, is 
D=0.5*rho*V^2*(0.39)*(1.90) but I guess I am getting carried away 

don't get me started,

'90 90q20v

Tamas Bertenyi
Aerodynamics Laboratory
Institute for Aerospace Research
National Research Council Canada
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

From:  Steve Valin[SMTP:steve@sgi.com]
Sent:  March 13, 1997 12:58 PM
To:  ampj@tiac.net; quattro@sgi.com
Subject:  Re: 90 90q 20v redline top speed

I've recently been reading thru R&T, C&D, Automobile, and MT past
on the 90Q.  They've quoted anywhere from .29 to .33.  I'd be curious
to know what the real value is
