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Re: 5k lts/ Ambulance? (min.Audi)

** High Priority **

>>> Martin Slotterback <zing@mail.lm.com> - 3/14/97 7:32 PM >>>
Michael Loeks wrote:
>  1991 Ford E-350 (Former Ambulance)
Interesting stall there Michael.
Why do you say "former" here?
Kind of curious how one gets a hold of one of these...just thinking
about the possibilities.  
#1-could wake up later to drive to work, wonder if the CHP would
catch on after a week or two?
#2-wouldn't have to wait behind that person that will NOT turn on a
red right.
#3-could leave work with less drive time out to the Bay for some
sailing, not to mention the wonderful storage areas for  sails,
#4-could  prove to many of you listers that the 91 tq's are not
always the fastest car off the line ;-)
86 VW Qtm Syn
98 A4tqw -OR- 99 VW Pst Syn Wgn