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A4 Poll Results


Here are the results from the most recent poll at JET's A4 Pages.  They
are ordered from most to least chosen.

The question was "Please indicate the ONE feature that would/has
influence(d) you in chosing to purchase an Audi A4."

Driving Experience     - 55% - 72 out of 130 votes
Exterior Styling       - 15% - 19 out of 130 votes
Other                  - 9%  - 11 out of 130 votes
Price                  - 7%  - 9 out of 130 votes
Standard Features      - 6%  - 8 out of 130 votes
Interior Styling       - 3%  - 4 out of 130 votes
Audi Reputation        - 3%  - 4 out of 130 votes
Performance            - 2%  - 3 out of 130 votes
Warranty               - 0%  - 0 out of 130 votes

This month's poll topic is "What color is your Audi A4?"  Please stop by
and vote if you are an A4 owner!

Jason Teller, JET's A4 Pages
'97 Cactus Green A4
            [         Jason E. Teller ::: jet@denver.net          ]
            [						          ]
            [ Audi A4 Pages at http://www.denver.net/~jet/a4.html ]