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'87 4KCSQ Questions

Hello fellow Quattro owners,
I am new to the list and a relatively new owner of a '87 4KCSQ. A few
questions for your consideration: 
- Has anyone put an oil cooler (maybe from a turbo) on their
  4000 Quattro? Are there any thermostat controlled housings like for
the    water cooled VW'S?
- What is your experience with usable RPM for the 5 cylinder 2.22L
  motors. Mine seems to hit a wall at about 5300. Motor sound even  
changes radically.
- I too have just attempted the air filter ordeal for the first time.
  The diaphragm pressure regulator seems to be presenting a major      
obstacle. I have followed/searched the archive on this and it looks
  like I will have to remove the lines to this gizmo to get it out of
  way. More suggestions? Sorry for the newbie question.
- Has anyone had any experience with the JACOBS ignition? If you
have,     where did you mount the control boxes? The AUDI appears to
have no
  free wall space in the engine compartment!
- Last, no question, just a wish that a VW tuner could supply an exhaust
  for the AUDI.

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