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Re: Noisy lifters cont.
Osman writes:
>I noticed that the lifter noise seemed reduced by quite a bit. I'll have to
>play a bit more and see if those additives/treatments really did anything about
>it. I had hoped that it would dissappear entirely but that was not the case.
>Perhaps if I continue the regimen for a few oil changes I'll see an
Are you having these shops install your filter, or whatever filter they
have in stock?
If their own filter, does it have an anti-drainback valve?
I feel that changing to a filter with the anti-drainback valve, more than
anything else, has helped reduce my lifter noise. I would not use a filter
without the valve, now. My lifters are 98% quiet, and never noisy at
startup. Occasionally one or more will start tapping after a hard high-rpm
stint with old oil, and it takes quite a while to go away. No long-term
tapping problems any more, though.
FYI, I use Mahle-Knecht or Mann filters, Mobil 1 15w-50 changed anywhere
from 3K - 7K intervals, and replaced all 10 lifters with new TRW replacements
in 1991. These lifters now have approx. 70K miles on them.
I changed my lifters because the mechanic who was setting the CO (to pass FL
emissions) refused to adjust the CO without fixing the lifters (and the fuel
injectors). He wanted to charge me $600 to replace them. A local parts
store reamed me for $210 for a set of 10 (needed them immediately) and I
spent 4 hours on Saturday morning replacing them. Still saved nearly
$400, and learned a bit about my car in the process.
'85 Coupe GT, noisy belts and occasional vacuum pump clanks
Eric J. Fluhr Email: ejfluhr@austin.ibm.com
630FP Logic/Circuit Design Phone: (512) 838-7589
IBM Microelectronics Div. Austin, TX