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-- [ From: Huw Powell * EMC.Ver #3.1a ] --

>I've decided that the swiss cheese approach is not one I want to take.  I'm
not really convinced that the K&N cone mod is the way to go either since I'm
having trouble visualizing how you would direct cold air directly to it.    
Here's what I AM thinking about.  Suppose you  were to cut about a three
inch diameter hole on the inboard side of the airbox and attach a straight-
as-possible hose to it which is routed as directly as possible to the front
of car with a slight flange to direct just a little more air to the hose.

I too have mulled this over.  My big worry is that I will be providing a
more direct route for rocks, gravel, sand, salt and good old H2O into the
intake.  It would be fairly simple to set up a nice flared horn (say, my
useless Craftsman sawdust catcher on my radial arm saw) right behind the
right side of the grille and duct it straight to the airbox.  Certainly
would be a big improvement over the stock "behind the bumper extension"
opening.  I currently just have the airbox with both inlets (cold/warm) open
to the engine compartment.  Drawbacks, anyone who has BTDT?

Huw Powell
HUMAN Speakers

Sufficiently advanced magic is indistinguishable from science....
