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Re: Interesting Q's for sale - Boston

Now, I love my lil' Coupe GT, and have always wanted a TQC, but ELEVEN
thousand for a 13 year old, 110 thousand mile all-wheel drive car?  Let's 
face it, these cars are drivers, not museum pieces.  Spiritually, the TQC
is worth a billion dollars, but in the real world, $11k is a hunk o' coin.   

I have seen fully documented gorgeous examples for sale in Hemmings for
less than $10k, with fewer miles on the clock and hailing from sunny, dry
places like Arizona.  Outrageous! Is current demand _that_ high right now?
Do you guys think the market wil bear it?  

Jonathan Monetti
86 CGT 87k

On Thu, 8 May 1997, Andrew Duane USG/PE wrote:

> Found these gems in todays' Boston Globe:
> '84 TQC White/Black leather. Very good condition.
>   112K miles.  $11K.  508-263-0467(d)  508-263-1070(e)