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Re: Oil Plug stipped. HELP!

In article <19970526005340588.AAA129@randolphmax3-3.megsinet.net>, in 
mail.Audi_List,Martin Gruby wrote:

> I have an 1988 Audi 80 quattro.  My oil plug is stripped and so is the
> inside of the oil pan, the part it screws into.  I have a rubber plug in
> right now, but the oil is leaking a bit.  I want this fixed. What is the
> best fix for it.  I can try a different rubber one, or I can re tap the
> tread and get a plug to match it. Or, there is this one plug that you screw
> in, and it is hollow and has a screw to go inside of it, so I just take out
> the little screw??  But will it hold with the bad tread??  Well, please
> help, this is giving me a big headache and all I wanted to do was change > 
the oil.

Helicoil the original hole back down to the standard size,and buy a new drain 

Helicoiling is the process of drilling the damaged thread out,tapping to a 
special size with the supplied helicoiling tap,and then using the supplied 
tool,winding in a stainless steel formed spiral of "wire",that recreates the 
original size thread.Use heavy grease on the drill and tap,and you should 
catch 90% of the swarf.Then put half a gallon of paraffin through the filler 
cap,to flush any remaining bits.(Do this with no drain in,and don't start the 

Then allow to drain and refit new plug and refill with fresh oil.A helicoiled 
repair is at least as strong,and in aluminium, _stronger_ than the original 
thread.Should take 30 minutes at most.The kits are quite dear,(about 30 UK 
pounds) so it may be cheaper to have a garage do this.I would charge about 15 
UK pounds to do a job like this,to give you a guide.

All in all, no big deal :-)

    Best Regards,
                 Chris Wilson