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baIQ: Dan Simoes is in town! -Reply
Hi Steve!
Just played a little tennis with Dan this morning. Nice guy. As far
as a meeting this evening, I have a pretty good suggestion IMO.
There's a sports bar place called "Knuckles" in Burlingame thats
pretty lively for going to have a beer or soda and chit-chat. Its
located inside the Hyatt Regency on Broadway off 101. Don't be
turned off by the location inside the hotel, its really got a lot of
atmosphere and is very popular for sports buffs. Cars & sports
usually fit together pretty well so I hope I'm not taking too big a
Also, Dan mentioned that he'll probably try to get out of town later
tonight & Knuckles is just 1/2 mile south of SFO so it would be very
easy for him to return car because rental drops are actually on
He mentioned maybe something ~7:30+ for tonight, I may not be able to
make it there until a little after 8, but I'm definitely up for
getting together.
Any balQ guys let me know if interested, or need more detailed
instructions (hard to miss though).
Derek aka SquirleyD out
86 VW Qtm Syn