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Re: Brake Pad Sensor (was: Dave, the air lock is open . . .

Thanks Phil, I meant to say the sensor and not the light.....And yes, one would 
then have to visually check the pads.


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In message <9704298649.AA864939688@ccmailpc.ctron.com> 
hnuuhiwa@ccmailpc.ctron.co m writes:
>      I have been having the same problem and have pretty much ignored it (I 
>      know the pads are good).  The sensor comes on (sometimes) after 
>      driving for a while.  Upon re-starting the engine it's out. 
>      If your pads are good, the warning light becomes more of an irritant that
>      anything else.  HTH!
I seem to remember that the pad wear warning light has another function.
Was it not decided here that defeatng the sensors was OK provided you visually 
checked the pads, but defeating the warning light was a no-no?
 Phil Payne
 Committee Member, UK Audi [ur-]quattro Owners Club