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Racket! and compression test!
Alright guys,
Put a major effort in( ;-| ) this afternoon and the engine is together,
minus the belt driven accessories. Started her up and she sounds like
s#!t...major racket around head, valve cover. Shut her down after about
a half min. Is this because I have bad lifters(I was able to push down
on many of them well beyond their 'O.K' limit) and there is no oil in
the head....or have I bent a valve? :-(
I have a compression tester now but am unsure on what, if anything, I
have to disconnect regarding the electronic ignition module/ign.
coil/battery. Could someone give some direections on compression testing
a N/A I-5. Thank YOU!!
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169K and making a racket!!
JONES Burlington MA
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