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Re: monroe o.e.?

US and European OE fitments are often different - the US importers
frequently "retune" the ride for comfort over handling.

Somebody set me wondering if the Monroe OE fitment is part of the VW-GM
agreement?!? 1/2 :-)
- peter, peterhe@microsoft.com

Date: Thu, 5 Jun 1997 23:16:15 +0200 (MET DST)
From: Tom Nas <tnas@euronet.nl>
Subject: Re: monroe o.e.?

MSV96@aol.com wrote:

>So, I guess this means Monroe are Audi o.e.??? Based on Eric's
statement that
>Monroe/KYB/Carrera are all made by the same mfg. I guess now KYB can be
>considored o.e.??? Hmmm...curious, guess the imitation bilsteins aren't
>bad after all...either that or Audi purchasing got a great deal in
spite of
>engineering's wishes otherwise.If that is the case though, why do the
>Monroe's cost more than the Boges for this application??? Strange.

On my car at least, OE is Sachs...

