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ukqoc meeting

In message <Pine.SUN.3.91.970610155340.12420A-100000@marjoram.compnews.co.uk> Mike writes:

> Just in case anyone is going, I'll be at the group area meeting of John 
> Robinson on Thursday near Nottingham. I can't remember the letter, but I 
> think its area E, and I can't even remeber the small village pub that the 
> meeting takes place at, but Ive got it written down at home, so I *will* 
> make it.

Yes, I'll be there.  It's in the Plough at Hickling - off the Nottingham to 
Melton Mowbray road on the Melton side of the A46 junction.

Expect six (May) to nine (April) ur-quattros, and whatever shitheap Roger 
Galvin turns up in.  Judging from the state of the diff bushes he was showing 
off last week, it _won't_ be his urq.
I might be late.  I'm toying with the idea of doing the "two meetings in one 
night" stunt again - going to the Staffordshire meeting at Burntwood first, 
just to see if they're still alive, and then dodging Plods to Hickling.

You'll know when _I_ arrive, though, from the 540 watts on the front.

 Phil Payne
 Committee Member, UK Audi [ur-]quattro Owners Club