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Re: As the Audi World turns...
On Fri, 13 Jun 1997, Ross wrote:
> Hay Cool name Guy,How much is your fuel system?
> A few more ponys never hurt!!!
The ECU runs about 900 bucks adn the wiring harness ruins about 350.
Then theres injectors, fuel rail, temp sensors adn a few other little
things. You can drop 2500 in no time with this stuff. However, if
you are running a big turbo, adn the stock 5KCSTQ fuel distributor (I
guess I don't recall you saying whether you are or not, but I assume you
are) then you have to b erunning veyr lean. The EFI will solve that
problem easily.
> I got that kjet down to a science but theirs 2 settings
> track/street did you bother figuring it out or just foward
> engineered?
I couldn't be bothered figuring out the K-jet. I much rather build EFi
systems. They're easier to tune.
Graydon D. Stuckey