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Re: Car phones
Sooooo, will flashing all the DRL's and honking at all the cell phone
users reduce the attention one should be giving to traffic and road
hazards? At the very least it might keep the driver next to me awake
(or at least distract him from the WSJ article he's reading). --Gary
Date: Tue, 17 Jun 1997 12:57:36 =0500 (CDT)
From: philby@ix.netcom.com (Phil Coppin)
Latest NHTSA statistics show that Car phones are now one of the leading
causes of accidents in the U.S.
Even hands free phones (you still have to manually dial most of them)
cause inattention. If you NEED to make a call or someone calls you,
pull off to the side of the road. I have a mobile phone, am a salesman,
am married = no excuses from this guy, I pull over!
Phil C.