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In message <Pine.SUN.3.91.970623140855.10605A@marjoram.compnews.co.uk> Mike writes:
> I suppose the biggest disapointment was not seeing the S1 go up the hill,
> or the 90 off the Audi Stand. The reason for the S1 not running (so I
> hear from a good source), is that the Cam Belt had `come loose', and the
> mechanic from a certain motor outfit in Northamptonshire (I think) could
> not be bothered to fix it. I find this attitude very poor. If people like
> me can "be bothered" to get out of bed at 05:00hrs and drive for 4 hours,
> and ppl like Michelle Mouton (forgive me if the spelling is wrong) can
> "be bothered" to come from the South of France, then you would think the
> mechanic responsible for the car could "be bothered" to get off his fat
> ar#e and try and fix the damn thing. rant rant rant rave rave rave.
I don't think the mechanic can be faulted. The problem is much more likely to
be at a management level in Historic Motorsport (a.k.a. David Sutton, Honorary
President of the Audi quattro Owners Club). And, despite his posturing, I
strongly suspect that David has no one left who would dare to touch the car.
It's aggravating, because I have all the necessary equipment to rebuild that
engine right here, and the mechanic who originally built it lives only fifteen
miles away from me. We could have been on-site, fully equipped, by midnight
I remember one of my 170 watt bulbs blowing after only a month. I changed it
at a club meeting, held it up in front of the gathered clan, and said: "There
you go - it cost 10 quid a month ago and what's it worth now?"
One of the committee instantly shot back: "More than one of David Sutton's
I suspect Audi AG will express an opinion.
Phil Payne
Committee Member, UK Audi [ur-]quattro Owners Club