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Re: skidplate removal

On Fri, 11 Jul 1997, Grant Lenahan wrote:

> Matt asks:
> >>  Does anyone know if it there is any ill effects to leaving the 
> >>  skidplate off my car?
> Matt,
> None that I can find.  I removed mine long ago (due to damage)
> and then found that I didn't want it in my way.   Since this is basically
> an aero aid, I wondered about lift or other buffeting at high speeds.
> I don;t notice any.
> Leave it off.
> Grant


Counterpoint:  Jiffy Lube actually forgot to reinstall mine (Yes, you
should be able to find an oil change place willing to deal with it without
additional charge), and while driving home I noticed a higher
degree of road noise.  Enough so that I pulled over and discovered it 

Audi's part description actually refers to it not as a skidplate,
but as a 'damper'.  You may want to drive a bit without it to check for
any discernable audible difference before deciding to bag it entirely.

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