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RE: Valentine/WSP (low Audi content)
I'm with Dan. I have an older V1 with front-only laser, and it has saved
my butt twice. Both times the REOs were waiting until the taxpayer got
Real Close, then hosing them. I was close enough by angle to pick it up
(or reflection/refraction), and far enough by distance and time to
ensure that my speed was in compliance with their perception of Not
Worthy of Taxing. Any and all warning is good. It is a tax, and we all
know it's illegal to evade taxes, and immoral not to avoid taxes.
-Ian Duff.
-----Original Message-----
From: dan_masi@MENTORG.COM [SMTP:dan_masi@MENTORG.COM]
Subject: Re: Valentine/WSP (low Audi content)
On Jul 27, 3:41pm, Igor Kessel wrote:
> Subject: Re: Valentine/WSP (low Audi content)
> Fringe Ryder wrote:
> > 4) The V1 rear laser detection does work, but this isn't
going to do you one
> > whit (whatever a whit is) of good. You're sunk if it goes
> That's precisely why I elected to buy my V1 without the laser
> I remember posting this a year ago, but the vast majority of
the listers did not
> agree at that time. Fringe's post is a sad proof of my words.
It's nothing of the sort, Igor. It's proof that it was useless
to him in this particular case. It doesn't prove that having
laser detection has no merit. Drive at 80 on an empty highway
with a trooper hiding out with instant-on radar, and you're just
about every bit as hosed as if it had been laser. Doesn't mean
that radar detection is useless.
It can and does reflect. Not the same as radar, of course, but
I'm convinced that having detection gives you some measure of
safety, in addition to providing you with possibly-valuable
after-the-fact information.