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BTCC/STW driver swap?

Hi all,

Heard a rumour the other day: supposedly, our friend Biela wants to return
to 'die Heimat' to show what he can do in a FWD A4 in the STW championship
next year (Yes, it's official. Audi will race again next year!), trading
places with Emanuelle Pirro, Italian STW ace par excellence.

Another rumour: according to Touring Car Racing magazine, Biela's annual
pay packet contains UKP 450K, plus an A8q for company car. Zowie! Now why
would the guy not live in Britain? ;-)


 Tom Nas                                          Zeist, The Netherlands
1988 Audi 80 1.8S, Tizianrot metallic, 212,000km

              Analyzing humor is like dissecting a frog:
     Nobody really enjoys it and the frog generally dies as a result.