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valve clearance on '90 90--timimg belt cause damage?

Here's an old question that i'm sure you have seen many times:
Is the 2.3 10V engine a low tolerance engine, or should I ask, Is the 2.3 10V
going to be OK if the timing belt breaks.....I think the valve clearence is
enough, but wanted to make sure before I give my '90 90 to my girlfriend's
mom with an aging timing belt.

       /\        _I         Christian J. Long and Breeze Heller (better half)
     /    \ I_I I_I I       Orlando, Florida, USA
                            University of Central Florida Alumni 1994
'90 Coupe Q     K&N cone, BBS rims, TAP chip, tag:QUATRO-1          
'90 90               giving to my girlfriend's mom next week