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Re: 5kQT squealing

Whew!! Tried it, and the noise doesn't change.  There is something new
though:  now the car does it only for about 8-10 seconds after starting,
then stops.  Once the noise has stopped at idle in neutral, it only comes
back when the clutch is depressed, no other time.  And, got the kid next
door to help ( 8 years old), when the clutch is on, and the noise on,
squealing is in the front of the car, not the middle or rear.


At 08:20 PM 9/1/97 GMT, Phil Payne wrote:
>In message <> Harley Cascio
>> I am fairly new at the Audi ownership, and I have a problem.  When I start
>> the car there is a squeal, it sounds as though the starter is still
>> enguaged after the engine is running.  The only audible noise comes when
>> the car is not in gear, both in neutral and when the clutch is enguaged.
>> Otherwise, it sounds fine.  
>We haven't had one of these for _AGES_!!!
>Get it running and squealing.  Lift the hood.  Pull out the dipstick.
>(No, I'm _not_ crazy.)
>Does the noise go away or change?  If yes, it's the rear crankshaft oil seal.
>If you're not married, try and find a bank manager with an ugly daughter.
> Phil Payne
> Committee Member, UK Audi [ur-]quattro Owners Club