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Ye old Sunroof woes

I am looking through by Bentley to help prepare myself, but I still need
some thoughts / experience re sunroof opening problems.  

The roof worked just fine last night but today it has problems.  Up until
today the roof worked just fine running back and forth smoothly and
relatively quickly.  The tilt was fine too.  

Today the tilt is just fine, but the roof binds going back.  It starts to
move back but almost immediately it stops.  I can make it go back and forth
a fraction of an inch that is all.  I can manually make it go back but it is
tough the first few inches opening and then glides fine to fully open.  It
will close easily (both manualy and electrically) until the last few inches
where I then must finish mannually.  

Looking at the roof when closed indicates that it is not sitting evenly. I
can push it farther down with me hand.  The tilt doesn't bring the sunroof
evenly back in line with the rest of the roof anymore either. 

I have noticed a wide scatch on the passenger side of the sliding roof
towards the back. That is obviously showing where it is binding.  

A clip broken? Or some adjustment?  Thanks for sharing your experience wiht us.
