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Re: 4kS "power" windows

Roger Albert wrote:

> My last problem (yeah right, last for now anyway)
> on the Audi 4k is the power windows.  None of them
> move up or down.  There's lights to the led's in
> the switches, so there is some power to the circuit,
> and, I doubt 4 motors would go at once.

Here's a little info perhaps to help with your troubleshooting.  What
the power window switches do is switch ground and 12v to the two motor
connections, with the opposite directions being opposite polarity.  The
swicth is essentially a DPDT center off switch, 12v and G to the center
terminals and the motor hooked up to one end pair, and jumpers crossing
(like an "X") to the other end pair.  I say this so you can remove the
switches and 1) fake their action with jumpers (or the $3 radio slack
switch which has the exact correct function, 20 A rating) to test the
motors/wiring harness and 2) measure the continuity of the switches on
your bench.  Oh yeah, and 3) you can test for good 12v and ground while
you're at it.

Hope this helps a little, and I hope you don't have to chase the
harnesses down...

> Oh yeah, what's the square button right near the 4 window switches.

It locks out the switches in the rear doors for the rear windows - child
safety switch.

Huw Powell
HUMAN Speakers


ignorance is only as powerful as the desire for bliss...