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Re: C-GT hit metal plate, lost cylinder(s)!?

> Anyways, now my car has lost power, and has a rough idle.  For those of
> us who know what I mean, it "lopes" now, moves the car and everything.
> It actually sounds kinda cool, except that there's no power, and I'm
> sure it's not good for MPG!  Also, my voltage dropped way down, and my
> dash lights (the low voltage  warning lights) barely come on.
> So, the question is:  What the heck can I jar loose that would cause
> this?  I guess stuff like this is either ignition or fuel, right?  More
> likely ignition?

My guesses - 1. busted your cat matrix loose (doesn't explain voltage drop)
2. loosened/busted off alternator wire(s) (doesn't really explain power
loss, but could).

Checking the alternator is fairly easy - pull the radiator cover off the
top.  To check the cat get under there and give it a bit of a shake or mild
whack - it shouldn't rattle.

Good luck, maybe someone else will have better ideas.

Huw Powell
HUMAN Speakers
