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Re: A first car for my son to learn on

> Hi,
> My son just got his learner's permit. I do not want him learning on my
> 94 90csq so I am considering getting another car for him to learn on. 

Is there a specific reason?  I think the car would be a great one to
learn on, because it's safe, handles well, and doesn't encourage
stoplight drag-racing.

> He
> is very responsible and I want to get him off on the right track as far
> as his driving experience goes. Also, he will be taking a driver's
> training course (Master Drive) where they do a lot of skid pad and
> slalom course work to develop driving skills. We have to provide the car
> for that part of the course.
This is good though I might also recommend a defensive driving course
(maybe Master Drive includes this?  I don't know).  Great driving skills
can help avoid accidents, but defensive driving goes a longer way in
keeping you out of situations where you would *need* those skills.

> I am considering either a 85-87 4kq or an older BMW 318i. I like the
> idea of the quattro but he wants the 318i. I had an 86 4kcsq for 6 1/2
> years and it was a great car. I have also owned BMWs but the quattro was
> my favorite.
I would stay away from the BM, for a few reasons.  First, the q would
probably be safer (if just for the Quattro), and the BM is too much of a
"status car" for a high-school-aged kid.  Responsible or not, he's less
likely to be doing unsafe things in a 10-year-old Audi than in a BM.  Of
course I don't know your son and maybe he would never do such a thing,
but even if he never got into races with other kids, in my experience
teenagers in BMs are big targets for teenagers in Mustangs trying to
prove something.  And an inexperienced driver in a 5.0 could do just as
much damage.

Just my .02¢ (~0.0355 dm)
