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RANT: sig files and digests, SpeedVision

Uh folkx, can we slim down the sig files a bit...I mean Jonas, what's the
point of posting 15 lines of *empty* sig file? And Marnie, 17 lines of ee
cummings and your home phone number?


How about sticking to 3 *useful* lines or so?

...and I'm sure the second copy of the digest was someone's simple
booboo...and three times in as many days.

Mandatory Audi Content: Watching 24 hours of doctor-prescribed SpeedVision
yesterday, I saw a Classics in Motorsports focusing on a pro rally from
1983 in Finland. Lots of awesome swb quattros jumping and humping, yimini,
they were having fun!

Thank god for SpeedVision...otherwise I would have been really bored with
my icepack and tylenol.

