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Speedvision and taglines

>Uh folkx, can we slim down the sig files a bit...I mean Jonas, what's the

Taglines are left from the BBS days, where people dialed local BBS's at no
cost.  The internet e-mail lists, newsgroups, etc, stemmed from a similar
"amatuer" origin, therefore has experienced the same thing.

Used to be a Sysop of a 16 line BBS.  I remember the excessive taglines
well.  Plus, everyone used "SLMR" if you remember that, with the same
stupid taglines all the time.   OIY!

>Thank god for SpeedVision...otherwise I would have been really bored with
>my icepack and tylenol.

That's definately a good show, I do watch it on occasion, when I have not
reached my mandatory limit of 3 hours of television a week :)  Its
difficult when sticking in Simpsons, King of the Hill, and Melrose :)

Lastly, and my point of replying in the first place, I wanted to thank
those of you who offered to email or fax over the Audi 5000 transaxle
"exploded views".  I'm glad that we all work together and help each other out.

Now, where did that little spring go?

Frederic Breitwieser
Homebrew Automotive Mailing List
Bridgeport, CT 06606
1989 AG Hummer 4-Door
1993 Supercharged Lincoln Continental
2000 Mid-Engine Sports Car <smile>

Seeking info on: Audi 5k Locking Diffs, Audi 5k trans bolt pattern, and
17x11" rims.
