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Re: Help...I did it now!
Yeah DeWitt, and you are going to go running down there if Steve bails out
to convince the dealer this thing needs $10K in repairs so they might as
well let you have it for $6K right???
Ralph Poplawsky (gee, I might have to do it if you don't)
At 04:08 PM 10/29/97 MST, DeWitt wrote:
>Many (most?, all?) states in the US have laws which allow you to simply
>cancel _any_ new or used car deal for _any_ reason within a certain time
>Something reasonable like 2 or 3 days. (YMMV) So, if you are certain you want
>out, don't hesitate; march right in there and tell them the deal is off.
>Accept no
>stalling actions such as "Well, why don't we let the shop have a look."
>And get the cancellation in writing (duh). Plan B: On the other hand, you
>may really like the car and would be satisfied with a free repair. If it
was an
>"as is" sale, better go with plan A unless they agree (in writing) to a
free and
>satisfactory repair.
>DeWitt Harrison de@aztek-eng.com
>Boulder, CO
>88 5kcstq