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RE: express down window switch

I've never heard of any Audi before 1988 that had that feature, at least not
in America.  Acutally, I'm pretty sure of that, I have had a '87 5KCST, '84
Coupe GT, '85 CGT, '87 CGT and none of these had that feature.  My current
Audi, '90 Coupe Quattro, has the one touch feature on the drivers door only.
 Maybee the previous owner of your car had retrofitted the switch that way.
 I have asked the Qlist before about how to retrofit this feature, but no one
knew how.

       /\        _I         Christian J. Long (Breeze Heller - better half)
     /    \ I_I I_I I       Orlando, Florida, USA
                            University of Central Florida Alumni 1994
'90 Coupe Q       K&N cone, BBS rims, TAP chip, tag:QUATRO-1
'96 BMW 318ti    no mods yet....
'90 90                 Still in the family.....