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THANKS!! was(Think it's new alternator time, comments?)

Thanks one and all who responded to my pleas.

You all were all dead on it was the brushes.  I Removed them last night
with a flashlight in my teeth and a small right angled ratcheted
screwdriver.  The perfect tool to do the job without removing the
alternator.  Turns out there was some pitting and corrosion around the
brush housing preventing one of them from fully extending.  A shot of WD40
and a little work freed it up.  When I poped it back in there was the
comfortable 13 volt reading on the gauge.

Figure I will leave it in till the new part comes via mail order.  Yeh! no
need to pay dealer prices as it is not an emergency situation anymore.

Think I will carry the old one in my tool box.  Never know.

Thanks again,
