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200tqw v CQ [what will big Dan drive]

I have not owned a CQ.  I would like to have one, but when you add the turbo implant, the car gets kind of expensive.  Would be nice though.

I do own a 89 200tqw.  I simply love the car.  150k+, rock solid, getting faster.  Best thing about the car is once you get comfortable with it, it is very unlike a wagon in driving characteristics.  A wagon, tossable?  Absolutely.  I have carried 5 adults [back seat is a little tight for that] with probably 350 / 400 pounds of testing gear in the back---very smooth at 85.

Dan, if the wagon with 120k on it can be bought for less than 7 and is in good shape, spend the diff between 7 and what the coupe price is on perf parts 
and you will have a car that you love to drive.


PS   Really Dan, buy whatever YOU want.  Both are great cars.