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Re: Re: UrQ Dump valve
11/12/97 5:30 AM QSHIPQ@aol.com
>Sounds like someone put the valve on wrong, high pressure goes 90 degrees to
>Manifold nipple, low pressure (turbo inlet) opposite. Reversing the valve
>(easy to do the oriface diam is the same) will allow the valve to "blow"
>sooner, more specifically, prevents the valve from closing soon enough. Air
>DENSITY has nothing to do with bypass valves blowing open, or their
>effectiveness to FLOW and PSI. The valve could care less if the charge air
>is -40 degrees or 400 degrees, it "blows" open at x psi. The stock k24 is
>good to around 14-15psi (btdt & Ned tech tip), the sport q uses as stiffer
>spring and is good for boost levels in the 18-19psi range (btdt & Beckius).
> There are direct replacement all aluminum ones direct replacements
>that are good to 24psi (btdt).
The valve was installed correctly..... And this is not something that is
limited to my car, The two other cars in the test program both HAD to be
converted over to the HKS because of the early dump problem.
>A "larger" cold side on a turbo can prove a stock valve ineffective at
>dumping enough air FLOW, sending a pressure spike back to the fan, btdt.
>HKS sequential race valve is a good thing for 2 reasons. HKS uses a stiffer
>spring (raising the amount of boost before leakage) and it uses a larger
>off area. Running multiple smaller "stiffer" valves can give the same
>effective FLOW and PSI rating as the HKS. 2 of these smaller valves has
>proven effective, and the package is mucho smaller and simpler to install.
Two of the Bosch valves is NOT smaller and simpler to install....
Besides they will still open early......
>DENSITY is not an applicable term to a by pass valve. PSI and FLOW are.
Don't you wish you were right....... Density is what we are trying to
achive with a turbo (More O2 molecules per CC), NOT psi.
> Hope this helps clear this up.
Eric Fletcher S.O.C.
'87 5KCSTQ with WAY too many toys
According to Einstein, the faster you go, the longer you live.
St. Louis, MO