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Re: tools for 4ks fuel sys work

Hi Guys,

Thanks to all for your suggestions. I ordered the JCW fuel pressure kit for 
Bosch CIS and am now ready to plow into making some initial measurements since 
the books seem to call for the pressure checks before about anything else is 
done.  I'd like to be prepared, so a couple of questions come to mind:

1) Are any of those brass adaptors that came with the gauge/T/valve combo
   going to directly thread-in, in place of the banjo bolts on the FD and
   cold-start-valve, or am I going to need something else?  

2) Anyone know what size the copper crush-washers are (both ID and OD, I'm
   assuming thickness is standard)?  I'd like to have plenty of those on 
   hand too.  Multiple sizes?

   2B)  do you get them from Audi, or somewhere cheaper like NAPA? (not 
        much of a selection was available when I checked at Pep-Boys and 
        they were the expensive 3-bubble-packed-to-a-card-for-$2 variety.

I've already replaced the main fuel filter and will try to pick up a new
pre-pump filter during lunch today so I know there are no restrictions there.

Thanks for any tips.