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Re: Steadiric + Qship get married(was alot of things)
In a message dated 11/17/97 ameco@map.com (Robert Russell) writes:
> Either you 2 get married or stop wasting bandwidth with your Fu*%#n
> Techno-Geak arguments!!!!!! NO ONE enjoys them but you.
I beg to differ. The "Techno-Geak" (sic) stuff is one of the things this list
is all about and if you filter the information, read the advised books, and
care to learn, you can learn alot about your car here. The "arguments" part
does get old I admit and that could be toned down a bit. It seems that when
these issues come to an ugly head that the participants involved eventualy go
to their neutral corners and go quiet for a time for things to settle down.
Both Scott and Eric have contributed excellent technical information, Eric
with his steak knifes and Scott with his math and theory...and much more
(from both) of course. I for one would not like to see either of them pack it
in. Differing opinions on the same topics can also spawn new ideas to make
our cars go faster if we are so inclined to play with them and explore the
Taking sides (publically) isn't a good idea, but then again stiffling the
free flow of the nerdy stuff would be really bad IMO. To loose either of
their contributions we all loose. Don't like long nerdy posts? Use your
delete key. Don't like Eric's one liners? Again, delete key. Don't like my
long winded posts? (sorry Phil) yup...delete me too. But don't stiffle the
free flow of information to those that may gain from it!
Okay I'm done :)
Mike Veglia
87 5kcstq (going faster and running better thanks to the techies on this