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Water Leak at Turbo 88 5kcdq
I have a leak at the top (return?) water line on the turbo housing. I
removed the oil line and the water line in an attempt to fix it. Used
a new crush washer on the water line and now it leaks more than
before. It's leaking from one of three areas:-
1) The turbo water hosing is cracked at or near the water line
2) The fitting between the water line and the turbo housing, visually
it looked fine.
3) The curved water line connector that goes into the fitting.
I'm guessing it's a crack in the turbo housing (as this will be the
hardest to fix) is this likely any BTs? Any thoughts on isolating the
source of the leak and temporary or permanent fix.
Regards, Mike
p.s. I have checked the top of the water line (at the pipe clamp) to
make sure it's not leaking there and running down the line.