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Re: I am back

On Thu, 4 Dec 1997, Igor Kessel wrote:

> I have just returned from sunny and friendly LA back to the grim and
> cold-bitten east coast. The first log-on yielded a mere 440 messages,
> the latest one dated 27 November.  Evidently juno.com did not have the
> stomach to digest 10 days worth of Q-list traffic and quit receiving
> e-mail for my domain. 

Ya gets what ya pays for!

> Since juno.com mailer leaves a lot to be desired, I am now struggling
> with win95, trying to install MCI Internet software. Could any of our
> computer wizards help me out with the DUN configuration?  Please e-mail
> me directly. Thanks in advance! 

Ok, what have you done so far? (and welcome back!)

-Douglas Hurst Quebbeman (dougq@iglou.com)
Current AUDIs:
74 100LS Automatic w/Weber 32DGV (in storage awaiting restoration) [#01]
77 100LS Automatic (in driveway, rusting)                          [#06]
84 Coupe GT (Running since Jan. '97 w/dry 5sp transmission)        [#07]
86 5KCSTQ (Finally, a Quattro!)                                    [#08]
"The large print giveth, and the small print taketh away."  -Tom Waits